As inscrições para a 3ª Edição do Projecto AcrossTheBible- Portugal estão abertas.
O texto ou textos a ilustrar serão acordados com a Comissão Organizadora ATB. Uma escola pode trabalhar um texto ou vários. Preencha por favor uma ficha de inscrição por cada texto a trabalhar.
Informe-nos sobre a escolha para a sua escola dentro da brevidade possível. As escolhas finais serão determinadas por ordem de entrada das sugestões.
Cain and Abel ( Genesis 4:1-16 )
Increasing corruption on Earth ( Genesis 6 )
The Tower of Babel ( Genesis 11:1-9 )
Job’s Life story ( Book of Job )
God’s promise to Abram ( Genesis 15,16 )
Abram becomes Abraham ( Genesis 17-18 )
Sodom and Gomorrah-God rescues Lot ( Genesis 18 and 19:1-29 )
Isaac and Rebekah ( Genesis 24: 1-67 )
Esau sells his Birthright to Jacob ( Genesis 25:19-34 )
Jacob’s Dream ( Genesis 27: 41 to 28: 22 )
Jacob marries Rachel ( Genesis 29: 1-28 )
Jacob meets his brother Esau ( Genesis 32,33 and 35:1-20 )
Moses and the burning Bush ( Exodus 3:1 to 4:31 )
Moses, Pharaoh and God’s Wonders ( Exodus 5:1 to 10:29 )
The First Passover ( Exodus 11:1 to 12:36 )
The Ten Commandments ( Exodus 17:8 to 20:21… )
The Golden Calf ( Exodus 32 )
The Bronze Snake ( Numbers 20:14 to 21:8 )
Spies visit Rahab ( Joshua 2 )
The Israelites cross the Jordan River ( Joshua 3:1 to 5:15 )
Jericho, a city conquered without weapons ( Joshua 6 … )
Deborah, a courageous woman judge in 1209 B.C.( Judges 4:1 to 6:10 )
Gideon becomes a Judge in 1162 B.C. ( Judges 6:11 to 7:25 )
Samson, the strong warrior deceived by Delilah ( Judges 15:1 to 16.31 )
Ruth is faithful to her mother in law, Naomi ( Book of Ruth….. )
Hannah, Eli and Samuel ( 1 Samuel 1 )
God speaks to the boy Samuel ( 1 Samuel 2:12 to 3:21 )
One of King Saul’s Mistakes ( 1 Samuel 11:1 to 13:14 )
David marries Michal ( 1 Samuel 18: 17-30 )
David and Jonathan become good Friends ( 1 Samuel 18:1-4 )
David spares Saul’s Life ( 1 Samuel 26:1 to 27:12 )
King David’s Kindness to Mephibosheth ( 2 Samuel 9 )
King Solomon asks for Wisdom ( 1 Kings 3:1 to 9.28 )
Solomon builds the Temple ( 1 Kings 6: 1-38 )
Praying for Rain: Elijah and the priests of Baal ( 1 Kings 18 )
Elisha helps a poor Widow and her son ( 2 Kings 4: 1-7 )
Elisha and Naaman, the Syrian General ( 2 Kings 5:1-14 )
Disobedient Jonah and the Big Fish ( Book of Jonah )
Ebed-Melech rescues Jeremiah ( Jeremiah 37 and 38 )
King Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream and the Fiery Furnace ( Daniel 2 and 3 )
Party interrupted by Handwriting on the Wall ( Daniel 5 )
Daniel in the Lion’s Den ( Daniel 6 )
Queen Esther saves her people ( Esther 3 to 10 )
Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem ( Nehemiah 1 and 2 )
Building the Walls and guarding the City ( Nehemiah 3 to 7 )
The People listen to the Law ( Nehemiah 8 )
For to us a Child is born ( Isaiah 9:1; 9:2-4; 9:5-7 )
Zacharias is told about his son’s birth ( Luke 1:5-25 )
Joseph has a dream ( Matthew 1:18-25 )
The shepherds and the angels ( Luke 2:8-21 )
Simeon and Anna see Baby Jesus ( Luke 2: 21-38 )
The visit of the wise men ( Matthew 2:1-12 )
The Boy Jesus teaches the temple teachers ( Luke 2:41-52 )
Jesus baptized by John the Baptist( Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22 )
Jesus calls his first disciples ( John 1:35-51 )
The sermon on the mountain ( Matthew 5:1-16 )
Jesus chases merchants from the temple ( John 2:1-25 )
“ You must be born again, “ Jesus said to Nicodemus( John 3:1-21 )
“ I am the Messiah, “ Jesus told the Samaritan woman ( John 4:42 )
At the Nazareth Synagogue: “ No prophet is honoured in his hometown “ ( Luke 4:16-30 )
Catching fish with Jesus ( Luke 5:1-9 )
The foolish rich man ( Luke 12: 16-20 )
“Come and follow me, “ Jesus said to Matthew ( Matthew 9: 9-13 ; Mark 2:13-17; Luke 5:27-32 )
Jesus and the Roman centurion ( Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10 )
The young man sat up in the coffin ( Luke 7:11-17 )
Telling parables from a boat ( Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8: 4-15 )
A man with a demon is set free ( Matthew 8: 28-34; Mark 5: 1-20; Luke 8:26-39 )
Jesus feeds 5,000 people ( Matthew 14: 13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-15 )
“ Why did you begin to doubt ? “ ( Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:16-21 )
“ Yes, I can see people,” said the blind man ( Mark 8:22-26 )
Shining face and clothes ( Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:28-36 )
The parable of the Good shepherd ( John 10:1-21 )
A visit to Mary and Martha ( Luke 10:38-42 )
“ Whoever seeks will find.“ ( Luke 11:1-13 )
“ Lazarus, come out !” ( John 11:1-44 )
The seats in the party ( Luke:14:7-14 )
“ Where are the other nine ? “ ( Luke 17:11-19 )
“ Let the children come to me. “ ( Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17 )
“ Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s “ ( Matthew 22:15-22; Mark 12:13-17; Luke 20:20-26 )
The widow’s little coin ( Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4 )
About treasures ( Matthew 6: 19-34 and 13:44;Luke 12.33,34 and16:13 )
About light and darkness ( Matthew 6:22,23 ;Luke 11: 34-36 )
The rich man and poor Lazarus after death( Luke 16:1-13 )
The guests and the party ( Matthew 22:1-14 )
The ten virgins ( Matthew 25: 1-13 )
The amazing fishing ( João 21:6 )
The great commandment: Loving God 100% ( Matthew 22: 34-40 ; Mark 12: 28-34 )
The last supper- washing feet ( Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14: 12-26; Luke 22:7-34; John 13: 1-38 )
“Father, if there is no other way, I will do it.” ( Matthew 26:36-46, Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46; John 18:1 )
And the crippled began jumping around ( Acts 3:1 to 4:31 )
The Apostles do what Jesus did ( Acts 5: 12-42 )
The treasurer of Ethiopia wants to be baptized ( Acts 8:4-40 )
Saul becomes a Christian ( Acts 9: 1-22 )
Over the wall in a big basket ( Acts 9:23-31 )
Cornelius, the Roman officer, becomes a Christian ( Acts 10 )
Paul in his first missionary journey ( Acts 13: 1-12 )
Paul and Silas in Philippi ( Acts 16: 6-40 )
Telling others about Jesus ( Acts 17:1 to 18: 11 )
A shipwreck ( Acts 27:1 to 28:10 )
John’s visions on the island of Patmos ( Book of Revelation )