A Bíblia: uma Biblioteca de Livros para Todos - de Todas as Idades, Culturas e Gerações

Por que celebramos o Natal, o Dia de Reis, a Páscoa, a Ascensão, o Pentecostes? Por que razão a coroa de advento, prendas, estrelas, anjos, pastores são centrais no Natal? Por que comemos cabrito ou borrego na Páscoa? De onde nos vêm expressões como " daqui lavo as minhas mãos " ou " bode expiatório" ou "coisas do arco da velha"? Que está por detrás de tantas pinturas clássicas, de obras centrais da literatura mundial, de filmes como os Dez Mandamentos, o Príncipe do Egipto, The Climb? Que se entende por Verdade, Amor, Justiça, Gratidão, Compaixão, Arrependimento, Perdão...? Quem foi Eva, Adão, Abel, Caim, Sansão, David, Samuel, Rute, Débora, Daniel, Isaías ou Jeremias ?

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Que Parábola de Jesus representam estes desenhos? What Parable of Jesus are illustrated in these drawings?

The Bible, the Book for everyone of every generation-
Que valores, que comportamentos exemplares são exemplificados nesta Parábola?
What attitudes, what values to follow are illustrated in this Parable?


The Independence Hall Liberty Bell, a symbol of freedom worldwide.


The English word “liberty” has lots of different meanings. To some it means freedom from rules and to others freedom from sin. According to the Oxford Thesaurus “liberty” means freedom, independence, self-determination and sovereignty. It also means free, uninhibited, unfettered, unconstrained, unrestricted, unrestrained and liberated.
The Liberty Bell is one of the most well known American images. When people look to it they are reminded of those that fought for liberty from unrighteous oppression. Tradition holds that the bell was rung to announce the opening of the First Continental Congress in 1774 and after the Battle of Lexington and Concord in 1775. Residing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the Liberty Bell has over 2 million tourists come to see it annually. Inscribed on the bell is this text.
“Proclaim liberty throughout all the land and to all the inhabitants thereof.” The bell’s inscription is taken from the Word of God. The full biblical text reads, “And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you and ye shall return every man unto his possession and ye shall return every man unto his family” (Leviticus 25:10).
Liberty in this scripture is the Hebrew word deror clearly meaning freedom from the bondage of debt and debt service. Its root meaning is to “move freely” as in unrestrained and unfettered. Those formerly enslaved because of debt bondage after having been liberated (deror) were restored the freedom to rejoin their families debt free. In this sense liberty produced restoration and economic freedom.

Celebrando a Morte e Ressurreição com a canção e balões Dia Feliz! - Celebrating the Death and Resurrection with the Happy Day! song and balloons


Sunday, May 19, 2013

No 1.º  Domingo de Pentecostes,  50 dias depois da Ressurreição de Cristo, Jerusalém encontrava-se cheia de Judeus dos mais diversos países, que vinham celebrar a Festa das Semanas, Shavuot, festa de agradecimento pelas colheitas, pelos Primeiros Frutos. Esta festa celebrava também a entrega da Lei de Deus no Monte Sinai, 50 dias depois da libertação dos Egípcios de uma morte quase inevitável nas vagas do Mar Vermelho ou às mãos dos Egípcios.
Nessa festa em que se celebrava a entrega da Lei aos homens, Deus fez descer o Seu Espírito Santo para começar a escrever a Lei de Deus nos corações dos homens que O receberem. Uma Lei não escrita em pedras.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

About PENTECOST DAY - Sobre o DIA DE PENTECOSTES-The Outpouring of the Spirit of God - O Derramamento do Espírito de Deus sobre homens

Muitos Judeus residentes noutros países encontravam-se nesse dia em Jerusalém, porque era um dia especial de celebração. Ficaram surpreendidos quando ouviram homens desconhecedores  de línguas estrangeiras a louvar a Deus nas línguas de outros povos. 
Tinham-se passado 50 dias após a Ressurreição de Jesus e 10 após a Sua Subida para Deus Pai.
The Pentecost was a Jewish celebration that occurred 50 days after the Passover feast.
 The name itself comes from the Greek work “pentekoste,” meaning “fiftieth.”

The day of Pentecost, found in Acts 2, was an incredible event.  Peter taught the multitude that this pouring out of the Spirit was a fulfillment of prophecy in the Old Testament, that God said He would pour out His Spirit in the last days.  He testified of Jesus Christ and His power and taught the multitude of prophecy, miracles, and gifts of the Spirit.
They were invited to repent and be baptized in Christ’s name and to receive the Holy Spirit.  3,000 people were baptized!
Many spiritual gifts were made apparent that day.
 They spoke in different foreign languages about the wonders of God.  They understood each other, even if they spoke different languages that they were not acquainted with.  They were filled with a desire to follow God and be baptized.  They were filled with love for each other, served one another, and took care of each other.
 A day like this is worthy of celebrating

Ascension Day Crafts - Trabalhos sobre o Dia da Ascensão/5.ª Feira de Espiga


Ascension Day and Pentecost Day - Dia da Ascensão e Dia de Pentecostes -10 days in between; dois dias entre as duas datas- JESUS goes UP and the HOLY SPIRIT comes DOWN- JESUS SOBE e o ESPÍRITO DE DEUS DESCE

Dia da Ascensão /Ascension Day:
 Atos/Acts 1: 1-11

Acts 1 (3 - 11)
Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven
After his suffering, Jesus showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with[1] water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." 
So when they met together, they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?"
He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. 
They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." 

Domingo de Pentecostes /Pentecost Day
Descida do Espírito de Deus sobre os Discípulos de Jesus Cristo-
Início da Igreja Cristã
Ao cumprir-se o dia de Pentecostes, estavam todos reunidos no mesmo lugar.
De repente veio do céu um ruído, como que de um vento impetuoso, e encheu toda a casa onde estavam sentados.
E lhes apareceram umas línguas como que de fogo, que se distribuíam, e sobre cada um deles pousou uma.
E todos ficaram cheios do Espírito Santo, e começaram a falar noutras línguas, conforme o Espírito lhes concedia que falassem.

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Páscoa e o Cordeiro - THE FEAST OF THE PASSOVER and THE LAST SUPPER by Dirk Bouts, c.1460

ArtistDieric Bouts 
MediumOil paintpanel

The gathering of manna and Passover (recto left), 
The last supper (middle), 
The meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek and Elijah awakened by the angel (1 Kings 19:5-6) (recto right)

The Last Supper with Christ 
was the last ritual Passover Feast because the LAMB OF GOD, Christ Himself, was about to be sacrificed. 
Christ explained the meal pointed to His Death and Resurrection and should be repeated by His Disciples among them, until His Return to reign on earth. 

Passover - Easter supper- Altarpiece

 This painting shows it is an important moment, and those present seem to be reflecting on its significance. 

It is one of the key works in the history of Flemish art..

 Here, Bouts breaks with the tradition according to which Christ is always represented in the act of announcing the betrayal of Judas. Instead, he chooses to show the moment at which he institutes the Holy Communion, that is the sharing of the wine and bread among His disciples.

JESUS being Himself THE LAMB OF GOD, puts an end to the sacrifice of passover lambs, a warning of His Coming as son of Man to be punished for the sin of men. That is why He mentions in this meal that His Blood ( represented by the wine shared ) is going to be shed and His Body ( symbolised by the bread given away) is going to be broken for those that wait upon His deliverance.

The SACRIFICED LAMB is in  the centre of the First Feast of Passover back in Egypt on the Night of the Death of the Firstborns, but not of the one in Jewish homes protected by the blood of the sacrificed lamb.
The sacrificial male perfect lamb that delivered the firstborn of each house from death pointed to the Sacrificial Death of Christ in favour of all those that turn to Him for salvation of eternal death.
 The white table cloth is a symbol of the holiness, purity, righteousness of Christ alone.

A JESSE TREE - UMA ÁRVORE DE JESSÉ- A Árvore Geneológica de Jesus

A JESSE TREE is a symbolical genealogical Tree of Christ. It starts from Creation and Adam and Eve through Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahah, Ruth, David, Solomon... till JESUS, THE ROOT OF JESSE.
JESSE was the father of King David of Israel.
At the same time The Jesse Tree shows us that JESUS IS A DESCENDANT OF JESSE too.
This means the TREE OF MANKIND WAS CORRUPT and had to be restarted.
JESUS IS THE NEW SPROUT, the new branch IN THIS TREE - HE MADE A NEW BEGINNING POSSIBLE FOR MEN WHO TURN TO HIM. They can belong to this new generation who loves God above all things and submits to His will, producing GOOD FRUIT.
That is why Jesus is called the Second Adam: he came to UNDO the first Adam's disobedience of God, by being obedient to death ( The Lamb of God, innocent and totally submissive )

The Bible, the Book for everyone of every generation