A Bíblia: uma Biblioteca de Livros para Todos - de Todas as Idades, Culturas e Gerações

Por que celebramos o Natal, o Dia de Reis, a Páscoa, a Ascensão, o Pentecostes? Por que razão a coroa de advento, prendas, estrelas, anjos, pastores são centrais no Natal? Por que comemos cabrito ou borrego na Páscoa? De onde nos vêm expressões como " daqui lavo as minhas mãos " ou " bode expiatório" ou "coisas do arco da velha"? Que está por detrás de tantas pinturas clássicas, de obras centrais da literatura mundial, de filmes como os Dez Mandamentos, o Príncipe do Egipto, The Climb? Que se entende por Verdade, Amor, Justiça, Gratidão, Compaixão, Arrependimento, Perdão...? Quem foi Eva, Adão, Abel, Caim, Sansão, David, Samuel, Rute, Débora, Daniel, Isaías ou Jeremias ?

Saturday, September 27, 2014


The Bible, the Book for everyone of every generation

Thanksgiving Craft - Trabalhos sobre Agradecimento e Dar Graças

The Bible, the Book for everyone of every generation

Parable of the SOWER-Parábola do SEMEADOR

 The younger brother asks his father for his share in the family inheritance. After he gets it, he decides to sell it and move away from home, leaving.
                        In a far country, the younger son spends all his money on fun, friends, parties....
 With this reckless spending, he finally goes bankrupt. His friends abandon him.
Meanwhile a great famine spreads all over the country.
 The only job he finds available is feeding pigs. Starving and miserable, he repents and realizes he has now to make it right. He decides to go back to his father, to beg him for forgiveness and if possible to accept him as just one of his hired servants.
 Still a long way off, the father recognizes his younger lost son behind the young man’s rags. He runs to the repented son and gives him a big, compassionate hug.
 The father orders his servants to bring his son the best robe, a ring, a pair of shoes and to throw a reunion party.
It is party time. Music, plenty of food, fun and joy.
Meanwhile the older brother is back from work and does not understand his father’s forgiving reaction. 
He is jealous of the returning son.
read what happened next:Luke 15:11-32
Who does this ungrateful son represent? You and me.
Who does this Father represent? God accepting us back to His company when we come to Him truly repenting our wrongdoings.