A Bíblia: uma Biblioteca de Livros para Todos - de Todas as Idades, Culturas e Gerações

Por que celebramos o Natal, o Dia de Reis, a Páscoa, a Ascensão, o Pentecostes? Por que razão a coroa de advento, prendas, estrelas, anjos, pastores são centrais no Natal? Por que comemos cabrito ou borrego na Páscoa? De onde nos vêm expressões como " daqui lavo as minhas mãos " ou " bode expiatório" ou "coisas do arco da velha"? Que está por detrás de tantas pinturas clássicas, de obras centrais da literatura mundial, de filmes como os Dez Mandamentos, o Príncipe do Egipto, The Climb? Que se entende por Verdade, Amor, Justiça, Gratidão, Compaixão, Arrependimento, Perdão...? Quem foi Eva, Adão, Abel, Caim, Sansão, David, Samuel, Rute, Débora, Daniel, Isaías ou Jeremias ?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Paper Easter Balloons-Balões da Páscoa em Papel

Jesus has got the World in His Hands-Jesus tem o Mundo em Suas Mãos

An illustration to celebrate Easter made at Escola Secundária Rainha Dona Leonor..
The world takes up the form of a big balloon that Jesus holds in His Hands, so that it will not fall down. On the other hand the world contains several sections of Jesus Life from His Triumphal Entry in Jerusalem, acclaimed as He passed by on a donkey ( a meek animal, not used for war ) to His Ascension to the Father and Future Return to the earth to reign for ever.

Easter Trees - Árvores da Páscoa

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Why the Cross? Porquê a Cruz?

Because God abhorrs sin, any kind of desobedience or rebellion. Sin separates us from God. Jesus came to tear that wall down. To do so, He had to accept over Him all kinds of sins and rebellions at the Cross and expiated them. Being totally innocent, born with no sin, He could die for every human being.

You can see an e card with text by Lorenz Eifert at:


Propitiation versus Expiation - What do they mean?

Propitiation literally means to make favorable and specifically includes the idea of dealing with God’s wrath/grief against sinners. The word propitiation carries the basic idea of appeasement, or satisfaction, specifically towards God. Propitiation is a two-part act that involves appeasing the wrath of an offended person and being reconciled to that same person Expiation literally means to make pious and implies either the removal or cleansing of sin. The idea of propitiation includes that of expiation as its means; but the word "expiation" has no reference to quenching God’s righteous anger. The difference is that the object of expiation is sin, not God. One propitiates a person, and one expiates a problem. Christ's death was therefore both an expiation and a propitiation. By expiating (removing the problem of) sin God was made propitious (favorable) to us. Relevant passages: Luke 18:13 Romans 3:25 Hebrews 2:17 "...and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world." 1 John 2:2 In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10

PROPITIATION involves that GOD IS SATISFIED WITH US because our flaws were expiated/removed with the death of Christ, the flawless One.