A Bíblia: uma Biblioteca de Livros para Todos - de Todas as Idades, Culturas e Gerações

Por que celebramos o Natal, o Dia de Reis, a Páscoa, a Ascensão, o Pentecostes? Por que razão a coroa de advento, prendas, estrelas, anjos, pastores são centrais no Natal? Por que comemos cabrito ou borrego na Páscoa? De onde nos vêm expressões como " daqui lavo as minhas mãos " ou " bode expiatório" ou "coisas do arco da velha"? Que está por detrás de tantas pinturas clássicas, de obras centrais da literatura mundial, de filmes como os Dez Mandamentos, o Príncipe do Egipto, The Climb? Que se entende por Verdade, Amor, Justiça, Gratidão, Compaixão, Arrependimento, Perdão...? Quem foi Eva, Adão, Abel, Caim, Sansão, David, Samuel, Rute, Débora, Daniel, Isaías ou Jeremias ?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Anti-Violence Actions

Several measures have been taken against violence on the streets, both by the US Police and church members, prayer groups, common citizens.



An anti-violence movement called ENOUGH IS ENOUGH encourages people to become part of the solution,


What do we understand under VIOLENCE?

O que entendemos por VIOLÊNCIA?

What feelings, emotions are associated with violence?

Que sentimentos, emoções são despoletados pela violência?

Can we spot violence in a photo, in a situation, in a Bible text?

Podemos perceber a existência de violência numa foto, numa situação, numa narrativa bíblica?

What kinds of violence are there?

Que tipos de violência conhecemos?

Let's start by referring violence in a school context.

Comecemos por referir a violência em contexto escolar.

Comment the following cartoon.

Comente o cartoon seguinte.

Does it relate to the topic Violence in any way?

Tem a ver alguma coisa com o tópico Violência?

The Parable of The Good Samaritan/A Parábola do Bom Samaritano - What is it about? É sobre o quê?

The Parable of the Good Samaritan is precipitated by and in answer to a question posed to Jesus by a lawyer,
"Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" (Luke 10:25).
In this case the lawyer would have been an expert in the Mosaic Law and not a court lawyer of today.
This question provided Jesus with an opportunity to define what His disciples' relationship should be to people in distress. Jesus focuses on relationships and what it means to be someone's neighbour.
The text says that the scribe (lawyer) had put the question to Jesus as a test. The scribe was making the assumption that man must do something to obtain eternal life. Jesus will answer the question using what is called the Socratic method; i.e. answering a question with a question, “He said to him, "What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?" (Luke 10:26). By referring to the Law, Jesus is directing the man to an authority they both would accept as truth, the Old Testament. The scribe answers Jesus’ question by quoting Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18.
Here are some simple illustrations by students.

Do not let the sun go down on your anger- Não deixes que o dia termine sem resolveres a tua zanga/ira

Anger and Forgiveness - Ira e Perdão

Sun Go Down on Anger

Forgive Me